
Legal information with links to caselaw, statutes, and more. All concerning the expungement and sealing of Florida arrest records.

This is an index of Florida legal references regarding the sealing or expungement of criminal arrest records in Florida. Including references to case law, Florida statutes, and administrative codes.

Florida Statutes and Administrative Code

The statutes and administrative code set forth the requirements of both the petitioner and the government agencies.

Florida Expungement and Sealing Appellate Case Law

Case law links to Google Scholar of all pertinent cases concerning the expungement or sealing of Florida criminal arrest records.

Florida Expungement Statute

I have broken down the expungement statute here with links explaining specific parts.

Florida Sealing Statute

Florida Juvenile Diversion Statute

Florida Juvenile Automatic Expungement Statute

Florida Administrative Expungement

Florida Human Trafficking Expungement

Florida Correcting Records Statute

Florida Rules of Court

Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure [PDF]

Rules 3.692 and 3.989

Florida Administrative Code

Florida Administrative Code

Agency Code 11C-7

Florida Case Law; Appellate Decisions

Expungement and Sealing Case Law

Additional Information

If you believe you have found additional information, updated statutes or codes, or additional or newer case law please let me know. You can contact my office from my contact page.

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⚖ More Information about Florida Expungements:

Florida Record Expungements